Opposing views - good discussion

I recently watched a very interesting Dave Rubin interview.  In the current political environment, it was more than refreshing to watch two individuals with radically different points for view have a respectful, honest and meaningful conversation on topics that could have been personally sensitive and potentially contentious.  Rubin, comedian, liberal, pro-choice, gay-married, and an atheist “with a strong allergy to organized religion” is the host of the Rubin Report.  I will have to commend Rubin for his range of guests, including a Catholic bishop (Robert Barron) who has spent the last fifteen years evangelizing the faith through social media.  His Youtube videos, articles and weekly homilies on his website, www.wordonfire.org are more than worth a weekly visit.

If you are a committed atheist or someone that has dubious perceptions about Catholic thinking, you might be fairly hesitant to watch this interview.  But if you are open-minded and willing to be surprised a bit, it may be worth a click on the two part interview below.  You may find it to be a refreshing model for open and respectful discourse about important topics.


