Can we talk (with dignity and respect?)

Can we talk (with dignity and respect?)

Has anyone else noticed how difficult it has become for people with different opinions to have an open, honest, and respectful debate these days?  Would you feel comfortable to honestly share your convictions, thoughts, or even questions with others without being concerned about the reaction or judgement you might receive?  Why have people become so afraid to simply listen to understand another point of view, even if they may not agree with that person's position? Do we assume that we are the only ones who could possible be intelligent, thoughtful, caring and honest enough to warrant listening to with respect and dignity?

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Two lives - one choice

Two lives - one choice

In many ways, we have become a society of many symptoms, and short-term remedies for those symptoms.  More and more individuals seem to have lost their sense of meaning and purpose, gravitating more toward relative truth based on personal feelings and desires.  We treat the increasing anxiety, depression, and unhappiness with the many forms of medication and diversions available to avoid dealing with the actual cause driving the issue.  We try to solve social and economic issues with large centralized programs that often create unintended consequences and dependencies for generations to come vs. understanding issues at the human level of both enablement and responsibility.  We often ignore any facts that could undermine the things we want to believe or make us feel personally uncomfortable about what we want to do.  As a humane society, we aspire to act as such, protecting the rights of the often innocent and voiceless.

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